1. How and why was Cocoally founded?
My paintings have always been tributes to nature and animals, and we started Cocoally as a way to share these animal-loving designs and message with customers in fun and responsibly sourced wearables and accessories. We've set out to create a mainstream brand that will resonate with fellow vegans and encourage a general appreciation and passion for animals.
2. What inspires your pro-vegan, animal loving designs?
I'm inspired by my family (Cocoally is a family business) and fellow vegans who are constantly advocating for farmed animals, wildlife, and our environment. It's easy to feel defeated or alone when your values include animals, but every day I'm inspired by others and see reasons to be hopeful! Changing the way humans live with animals is a team effort and requires a shift in not just in our individual daily choices, but in general culture too. It's inspiring to see people get together and share the message and bring about meaningful change.
3. What do you stand for? (Additionally - What makes your brand different? Are your products ethically sourced?)
Cocoally stands for empowerment and passion for animals. It's up to all of us to recognize that our individual choices do make a difference in the lives of others, including (and perhaps especially) in the lives of animals. We set out to create a brand that keeps animals at the forefront of both our designs and our creative process. As an artist, I use vegan art supplies (synthetic brushes, plant-based pigments, vegan glues), and as a business we operate with vegan principles: We seek out vegan supplies, provide exclusively vegan food and drink at store events, and partner with other vegan companies.
4. Looking to the future, what is your vision for Cocoally?
Our vision for Cocoally is to continue building a brand that becomes a strong presence in the global vegan community. We hope to see the vegan and animal-loving movement grow, and we're honored and excited to be part of such a vibrant and growing community! We intend to inspire and be inspired by others who share a vision for a healthy, kind, and vibrant world.
- Ally Burguieres
Founder and Artist at Cocoally
Want to find out more about Cocoally ? Take a look at their Artist's Process